The Tom Schimmer Podcast is a show about learning, leadership, and life. Primarily, it’s a podcast that focuses on current topics in K-12 education. Each week, Tom Schimmer (a best-selling education author, keynote speaker, and consultant) will lean on his 30 years of experience to keep listeners informed and entertained on the prevailing stories dominating the conversations about teaching and learning. This podcast also focuses on educational leadership by exploring how leaders can truly engineer a culture of continued professional growth. Occasionally, this podcast will explore the pursuit of success and happiness as it relates to any walk of life. Through a mix of interviews, commentary, current news stories, questions from listeners, and other segments, listeners will be well-equipped to meet the needs of learners regardless of what role they serve.
Monday Apr 26, 2021
False Dichotomies | Catlin Tucker | More than Verbs
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
In Don't @ Me (2:06), Tom addresses the current obsession with false dichotomies and asserts that one in education has to stop. Then, Tom is joined by Catlin Tucker (17:05), author, speaker, leader, and expert in Blended Learning to discuss the ways teachers can efficiently and effectively implement a variety of models. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:05:45), Tom highlights why examining standards is more than just identifying the verb; that the depth of thinking must also be considered if assessment tasks are going to rise to the promise of the standards.
- Catlin Tucker on Twitter: @Catlin_Tucker
- Catlin Tucker on Instagram: @catlintucker
- Catlin Tucker Website: www.catlintucker.com
- https://forms.gle/GALud6yogvVnu81K9
- FREE Webinar (April 27) "Meeting the Challenges of Classroom Assessments Today"
- Achieve Virtual Institute (August 16-18, 2021)
- Email the Podcast: tomschimmerpod@gmail.com
- Follow the Podcast on Twitter: @TomSchimmerPod
- Follow Tom on Twitter: @TomSchimmer
- Instagram: tomschimmerpodcast
- Facebook: Schimmer Education
- Website: www.tomschimmer.com
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Father Phil | LaVonna Roth | Homework (2)
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
In Don't @ Me (2:01), Tom tells the story of Father Phil and why he was responsible for Tom choosing education as a career. Then, Tom is joined by LaVonna Roth (16:26), Founder and Lead Presenter at IGNITE your S.H.I.N.E.™ for a discussion about student strengths, SEL, and neuroscience. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:08:36), Tom, in part 2, explores homework and suggests six important questions every teacher should ask about their homework routines.
- LaVonna Roth on Twitter: @LaVonnaRoth
- IGNITE your S.H.I.N.E.™ on Instagram: @igniteyourshinenow
- IGNITE your S.H.I.N.E.™ Website: www.igniteyourshine.com
- https://forms.gle/GALud6yogvVnu81K9
- FREE Webinar (April 27) "Meeting the Challenges of Classroom Assessments Today"
- Achieve Virtual Institute (August 16-18, 2021)
- Email the Podcast: tomschimmerpod@gmail.com
- Follow the Podcast on Twitter: @TomSchimmerPod
- Follow Tom on Twitter: @TomSchimmer
- Instagram: tomschimmerpodcast
- Facebook: Schimmer Education
- Website: www.tomschimmer.com
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Debating Both Sides | Muhammad Khalifa | Homework
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
In Don't @ Me (1:50), Tom discusses how, by taking a balanced approach to issues or topics, people end up debating the extreme positions on both sides. Then, Tom is joined by Dr. Muhammad Khalifa (18:07) to discuss his book "Culturally Responsive School Leadership" and racial equity, in general. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:21:48), Tom begins the first of two parts on the topic of homework.
- Muhammad Khalifa on Twitter: @SchoolEquityPro
- Equity Audit: www.ajusted.org
- Culturally Responsive School Leadership Institute: www.crsli.org
- https://forms.gle/GALud6yogvVnu81K9
- Achieve Virtual Institute (August 16-18, 2021)
- Email the Podcast: tomschimmerpod@gmail.com
- Follow the Podcast on Twitter: @TomSchimmerPod
- Follow Tom on Twitter: @TomSchimmer
- Instagram: tomschimmerpodcast
- Facebook: Schimmer Education
- Website: www.tomschimmer.com
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Happiness Booster | Lee Ann Jung | Habits of Learning
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
In Don't @ Me (2:37), Tom, as a counter to last week, identifies the most efficient and effective happiness booster. Then, Tom is joined by Dr. Lee Ann Jung (14:37) to discuss sound assessment practices within the Universal Design for Learning framework. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:07:02), Tom describes five guidelines for schools as they separate academic achievement from the most essential habits of learning.
- Follow Lee Ann Jung on Twitter: @leeannjung
- Follow Lead Inclusion on Instagram: @leadinclusion
- Lead Inclusion: www.leadinclusion.org
- https://forms.gle/GALud6yogvVnu81K9
- Achieve Virtual Institute (August 16-18, 2021)
- Email the Podcast: tomschimmerpod@gmail.com
- Follow the Podcast on Twitter: @TomSchimmerPod
- Follow Tom on Twitter: @TomSchimmer
- Instagram: tomschimmerpodcast
- Facebook: Schimmer Education
- Website: www.tomschimmer.com
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Happiness Killer | Defining Success | Transcripts
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
In Don't @ Me (2:16), Tom identifies the most efficient and effective happiness killer. Then (15:11) hear how the first 24 guests have answered the question, "What's your definition of success?" Finally, in Assessment Corner (37:02), Tom describes why conversations about a new vision for university transcripts need to be thought through in terms of plausibility for the end-users; that visions that have no real plausibility of execution are counter-productive to bringing about meaningful change.
- https://forms.gle/GALud6yogvVnu81K9
- Achieve Virtual Institute (August 16-18, 2021)
- Email the Podcast: tomschimmerpod@gmail.com
- Follow the Podcast on Twitter: @TomSchimmerPod
- Follow Tom on Twitter: @TomSchimmer
- Instagram: tomschimmerpodcast
- Facebook: Schimmer Education
- Website: www.tomschimmer.com
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Relentless Outrage | Matt Townsley | Leading Change in Assessment (2)
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
In Don't @ Me (1:24), Tom takes aim at the relentlessly outraged and details why we are all at risk of losing all perspective, resiliency, individuality, & common-sense. Then, Tom is joined by Dr. Matt Townsley (15:30) to discuss the implementation of standards-based grading at the Secondary level. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:11:40), Tom (continuing from last week's episode) uses Dr. John Kotter's research to explore the important phases necessary to transform the assessment & grading culture of a school.
- Follow Matt Townsley on Twitter: @mctownsley
- Matt Townsley's website: www.mctownsley.net
- https://forms.gle/GALud6yogvVnu81K9
- Achieve Virtual Institute (August 16-18, 2021)
- Email the Podcast: tomschimmerpod@gmail.com
- Follow the Podcast on Twitter: @TomSchimmerPod
- Follow Tom on Twitter: @TomSchimmer
- Instagram: tomschimmerpodcast
- Facebook: Schimmer Education
- Website: www.tomschimmer.com
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Happy for Others | Peter DeWitt | Leading Change in Assessment
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
In Don't @ Me (2:45), Tom examines the question of why it's so hard for us to be happy for others. Then, Tom is joined by Dr. Peter DeWitt (17:38) to discuss what it means to be an instructional leader. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:19:07), Tom uses Dr. John Kotter's research to explore the important phases necessary to transform the assessment & grading culture of a school.
- Follow Peter DeWitt on Twitter: @PeterMDeWitt
- Peter DeWitt's website: www.petermdewitt.com
- Achieve Virtual Institute (August 16-18, 2021)
- Email the Podcast: tomschimmerpod@gmail.com
- Follow the Podcast on Twitter: @TomSchimmerPod
- Follow Tom on Twitter: @TomSchimmer
- Instagram: tomschimmerpodcast
- Facebook: Schimmer Education
- Website: www.tomschimmer.com
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Defending vs Defensive | Alexa Schmid | Normative Tendencies
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
In Don't @ Me (3:51), Tom outlines the challenges we face when deciding whether someone is defending themselves or being defensive. Then, Tom is joined by Alexa Schmid (16:42), Middle School Principal at the International School of Kenya, to discuss the findings of her doctoral research on Justice, Equity, and Cultural Competence in International Education. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:12:35), Tom explores the inadvertent influence our lingering normative tendencies can have on the implementation of standards-based grading practices.
- Follow Alexa Schmid on Twitter: @TeachSchmid
- Alexa Schmid's Blog: Leading and Learning
- Grading from the Inside Out (March 16 & 23, 2021)
- Achieve Virtual Institute (August 16-18, 2021)
- Email the Podcast: tomschimmerpod@gmail.com
- Follow the Podcast on Twitter: @TomSchimmerPod
- Follow Tom on Twitter: @TomSchimmer
- Instagram: tomschimmerpodcast
- Facebook: Schimmer Education
- Website: www.tomschimmer.com
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Introspection Illusions | Natalie Conway | Consumable Report Cards?
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
In Don't @ Me (2:13), Tom highlights the psychological phenomenon of "introspection illusion" (via Dr. Emily Pronin) and talks about its impact on both our disagreements with colleagues and on student self-reflection. Then, Tom is joined by Natalie Conway (13:19) to discuss online learning and what it takes to create a truly rich experience for online learners. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:04:00), Tom explores the oft-overlooked aspect of report card reform; is the new report card consumable to parents and families?
- Follow Natalie Conway on Twitter: @AOENatalie
- Follow the Adventures in Online Education podcast on Twitter: @syspresents
- SYS website: www.syseducation.org
- Grading from the Inside Out (March 16 & 23, 2021)
- Achieve Virtual Institute (August 16-18, 2021)
- Email the Podcast: tomschimmerpod@gmail.com
- Follow the Podcast on Twitter: @TomSchimmerPod
- Follow Tom on Twitter: @TomSchimmer
- Instagram: tomschimmerpodcast
- Facebook: Schimmer Education
- Website: www.tomschimmer.com
Friday Feb 26, 2021
BONUS: Standardized Testing with Tom Guskey
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
In this bonus episode, Tom is joined by Tom Guskey to discuss the recent decision by the Biden Administration to mandate that standardized tests proceed this spring. The conversation focuses on this acute decision and standardized tests in general.
- Tom Guskey on Twitter: @tguskey
- Tom Guskey's website: www.tguskey.com
- Grading from the Inside Out (March 16 & 23, 2021)
- Achieve Virtual Insitute (August 16-18, 2021)
- Email the Podcast: tomschimmerpod@gmail.com
- Follow the Podcast on Twitter: @TomSchimmerPod
- Follow Tom on Twitter: @TomSchimmer
- Instagram: tomschimmerpodcast
- Facebook: Schimmer Education
- Website: www.tomschimmer.com